Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's been a long time!

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I've been on here. So much has gone on in the last few months. I am excited to say that I'm officially a Stay at home Mommy!! I got laid off in early May, and I have never been happier. The reasoning behind it was really stupid but oh well I get to be home w/ Zachary.
Zachary is now 6 1/2 months old. We just went to pediatrician last week & he is 18 lbs 12 oz and 27 1/4 long. He's still in the 75% for height & 70% for weight. He's a Moose! Z is growing up so fast. We spend most of the day playing on his playmat, singing songs, reading books, & jumping in the jumperoo. He is rolling all over the place & doesn't stay in one place for very long!
Brianna is 8 yrs old today. She is such a good big sister, and is always ready & willing to be a good helper. Her last day of 2nd grade is tomorrow. So she's very excited about her summer vacation esp now that she'll get to do lots of fun things w/ Zachary & I.--and of course Christopher & Jonathan!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doc appt

Zachary had an appt today. He got 2 more shots, so he was not a happy little guy. He screamed & cried for probably 10 mins or so. It just breaks my heart when this happens since it's a sound I don't hear very often. He is a little chunker. At 11 weeks old he weighs 13 lbs and is 24 inches long. Doctor said that is 75% for height and 70% for weight. He's had a pretty fussy night and I finally got him to fall asleep in his swing after giving him some baby Tylenol. I'm not moving him, I'll sleep on the couch tonight!

Sad day..

Today's blog entry isn't about the Buescher's. It's asking for prayer for some friends of ours. Dan & Jenn lost their sweet little girl Josephine (Jojo) yesterday. She was home alone with her brothers and went up to her room to play. When they didn't hear from her they went to check on her and found her hanging in her room. The thought is that she was playing & accidentally slipped and got the belt to the robe caught around her neck. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that Dan & Jenn are going through, and the poor boys! If you are the praying type, please keep them in your prayers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday I ended up in bed with some sort of stomach bug. I had a fever, didn't want to eat & well I'll spare you the other details..haha! Jay kept Zachary for me last night & I hated every minute of it. I know I should have taken the time to rest & feel better instead I was upset that I couldn't be cuddling with my little guy. I go back to work next week & I want to eat up every minute with him until then! Luckily, I am better today, fever has been gone since about 4am. I guess it was just that 24 hour bug going around. My FIL came over today to help with Zachary since he was planning on it last night & he loves spending time with him ( he doesn't get him too much when Sue is around since she LOVES holding him! :) ) so I managed to get some laundry done & do some cleaning up around the house.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Please feel free to leave any blog comments! I would love to hear from all of you :)

The best day of my life...

Without a doubt, the best day of my life was November 10, 2009. Zachary James was born at 5:45 am via C-section. He was 7 lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long.

I woke up the morning of 11/09/09 not feeling well, so Jay said to stay home if I wanted to since I just felt "off" I took a nap that morning, woke up around 1:00 and went I went to stand up I felt this huge waterfall go down my legs. I thought oh crap, I either just wet myself or my water broke! I called my OB & he said he thought it was just urine, so to come in & he would do the test to make sure. Well it kept going, so when I called him back he said to meet him at the hospital. Jay was about an hour away seeing a patient at another hospital so he called his Dad to come get me & he met me there. I was immediately put in a room, but since I wasn't having any contractions they started Pitocin. I got to 10 cm dialated very quickly and started to push. They thought Zachary would be here by maybe 2am. I got the epidural & felt NO pain ( it was wonderful!), then after 4 hours of pushing my doc came in & said he thought I would need a C-section. My pelvic bone is oddly shaped & poor little guy was banging his head on my bone and not coming down any further. I was crying since I didn't want surgery but anything to get my baby here. The surgery wasn't so bad, I actually dozed off during it a few times. Because of where Zachary was & where my incision is I bought myself a C-section for any further kiddos we have, though I am pretty sure we are done. We have our incredible little girl, and our perfect little boy. Life couldn't be any better. I have an amazing family, wonderful friends & a relationship with Christ...How could it be any better!?

Zoo trip!

One of my favorite places to go in St Louis is to the Zoo. It's huge, I get my walk in, I love to see all the animals & it's where Jay & I went on our first date. Naturally, I couldn't wait to take Zachary there! We went last Thursday with Daddy & we had a great time. He slept for about the 1/2 of the zoo then he wanted to eat ( any Mommies know how that works!). After that he was wide awake so Jay held him as we walked around & I pushed the stroller. He's obviously too little to comprehend what's going on but he is very nosey and always wants to be in the middle of things, such an observant little guy! If he's anything like Mommy, I think he'll like the bears the best! We also went to the zoo the following Monday with my friend Karen & her sons but there is not much to write about that trip, b/c he slept the entire time. :)